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Charlie Doll

Charlie Doll (He/It) has been a member of the Salt Lake City Leather community since 2017. Charlie Doll is the 2022 Rocky Mountain Person of Leather. As a leatherboi/girl with varying interests, they most strongly identify as a slave, a Bimbo, a pony, a sadomasochistic switch, and an age player. Charlie is passionate about creating accessible spaces and open dialogues, even when the topic is uncomfortable and necessary. Charlie is the founder and owner of Bimbos of Utah as well as the creator of the Bimbo Pride flag. They run Utah Leaf and Leather as well as maintain memberships with B.I.M.B.O.S., Utah Ageplay Scouts, and PLAID. Charlie is #hornyforhelping and enjoys presenting as a sex and BDSM educator, organizing events, and professional sex work.