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Guru Sean

Guru Sean is a self-proclaimed weirdo kinkster with an affinity for sharps, blood and edge play with a humorous twist. One person, after watching him perform, described it like a “sexy episode of jackass” and that sums his scenes up pretty damn well.
He has been actively involved in the body modification and body play community for over two decades and has been bringing those aspects into kink for nearly as long. Outside of kink he is actively involved in the burn (burning man) community, he also volunteers as a harm reduction educator and a Crisis Text Line counselor.
Sean has been privileged to be an educator both nationally and locally and has taught at Ropecraft, GWNN Bash, TX Kink Fest and other cons, as well as for local Austin area groups, such as SAADE and the Austin Mentor’s Program. Most of his classes can be summed up by the phrase: “How to do extremely dangerous things, in the safest possible manner.”
For examples of his work, or to contact him directly, you can find him on Fet: Guru_Sean or Instagram: @ guruseankink

My Speakers Sessions

Friday, June 28

12:30pm CDT

Saturday, June 29

12:30pm CDT

4:30pm CDT